Using Disk-Free 2.4 on W98SE.
It's a fine utility which, despite having not been updated for quite some time, still performs an admirable job. First, the positive notes on this utility.
1) It's capable to be launched (or not) at boot-up.
2) it's capable to be minimized to the Systray (or not) at boot-up.
3) The graduated icon coloring is handy as a quick visual aid on current disk space status.
4) it's ability to display in MB or GB as related to remaining space is also useful.
Now for the 'negatives', if I may:
1) Using Disk-Free on above stated platform has manifested a small, yet annoying problem. Namely, If I 'don't show title' and have reduced the window to ~ 2 cm wide x .75 cm high, so as to locate it beneath the Start Button on the taskbar where it should always remain visible for handy reference, it sometimes 'doesn't stick' until I desire to close it. e.g. - It does locate itself there fine and will remain thus, but sometimes the act of closing or opening some other window or a Windows Utility (IE Options Dialogue, as an example) will cause Disk-Free 2.3 or 2.4 to disappear from it's assigned location. It is still active and remains as an Icon in Systray, but the free space window loses it's 'stickiness', forcing me to click on the Disk-Free Systray icon to re-enable Disk-Free's window. 
2) It would be nice if one could hover mouse cursor over the Disk-Free Systray icon and have a choice of either percentage of free space, or preferably the actual amount of free space displayed as MB's or GB's.
3) Footprint is fairly compact, yet it still uses ~ 534.6 Kb of Ram. That's not a big deal really and places it "mid-stream" insofar as items of this type. Yet I'm surprised it uses so much, relative to other applications or utilities one would expect to use far more Ram and in fact do not. (Memload / Irfanview / Regprot / Mike Lin's Startup Manager / Taskmon/ Systray / etc.etc.)
4) If it cannot be made smaller, yet would not consume much more Ram/Resources, then it would be a nice thing if two features not present could be written for it. Namely, that a .Log of startup Freespace could be written to a text logfile and a notification of changes in free space, written as an increase or decrease of the same. This would eliminate the need to use yet a second item of similar purpose (as I'm now doing) to display such info.
Overall though, I'd say this is a fine little utility which has as much going for it as any. In fact, I might even say it is superior to a few in some ways. I won't mention by name the others I'm using / used / tried or am about to try, but they number as many as ten. *ggg*
So, in conclusion I'd give this program an 8 out of 10 for doing most everything I'd wish from it. I've tried - and unfortunately must continue to use - a few others of this type to achieve what I'd desire, but still have maintained continued use of Mihov Disk-Free despite my 'gripes', where others have gone the way of the Recycle Bin. 
My thanks to the Author for having made this program available.